Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Winter Preps--September Snow!!

Kirk and Steve have been working on getting our summer house finished up for winter. This week they took out all the screens and put a finish coat on the outside and inside wood to protect it.
I am so enjoying the peace and quiet of this delightful little getaway place in our backyard.
Miller is here getting ready to put a new top layer on our driveway--another winter prep.
He brought in 4 loads of road mix! That's a lot of dirt and rocks.
It looks like we're going to get our annual-first-snowfall-in-September tomorrow so it's a good thing we're as far along with winter preps as we are. I got home from Bozeman this afternoon about 5:00 and first order of business was to get my first load of firewood of the season up on the dining room porch. I will lay a fire in the fireplace tonight before I go to bed, so I will be ready to get it "fired" up in the morning when I get up. Yea! First snow of the season! We'll see how bad it is.
This is our filled-up wood shed. Thanks Ty and David. We're ready for winter. Bring it on!!

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