Tuesday, September 1, 2009

The Doors Are Open At The Grasshopper Inn Once Again

The sun is rising on opening day of the Inn--a day we've all been eagerly anticipating.
And Tom is hard at work preparing for the celebration.
Chop, chop, chop those onions, Dave! It's just not a hamburger without them.
Tom is showing off the display of his unique collection of limited edition whiskey bottles. Come check it out and he'll tell you all about them. That lucky first dollar bill!

It would appear that Tom is ready for just about anything! Helen takes an order from Jim and Drin--guess we all know what Drin ordered!
Laurie and Helen make a great team in the kitchen--they even look happy doing it!
All of us in the valley wish you the very best, Tom and Laurie. We'll be your biggest cheerleaders and supporters. Go for it!!!

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