Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Gang Activities and Family Reunion

Lunch with the boys. Matthew's idea -- of course. Must have 2 lollies at a time.

"Grampa, look!"
End of the day. How many more weeks to go? Doc set the delivery date for 30 April. Getting close.
I love these trees. Have no clue what they are. The sun was setting and the light was phenomenal. Love the light!
Jacob wants to get in the game.
Sophie and Josh spend a lot of time out here. They're getting pretty darn good!
They finally arrived!
Luna got doggie kisses on her nose! She love the 'doggies.'
Matthew and Luna conferring.
So much to do in the Gang backyard. Matthew is being very gentle! Are you sure that's Matthew??!!
Anut Jenny and the girls had fun doing some shopping for Luna. Love those little girl clothes!

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