I can't get the old blogger to work anymore. So I have to use the new editor and it is EXTREMELY annoying!!!!!!!! I even printed out the instructions because I knew I was going to be ANNOYED. And even the (blank) instructions helped not one whit. And what's even worse is that I've lost my background and I can't get it back. And, yes, I do know how to do it and I've done it umpty ump times and it still won't apply. I even went to Katie's backgrounds and tried one of hers and it wouldn't upload. It says I have it when I go to layout, but guess what -------- it ain't there. Do you see it? Am I just blind?
I'm royally annoyed.
So I wanted to do a nice job on uploading all of Walt's pictures from his Alaska fishing with his brothers and it's a mess. I can't get the (blank) captions to work either. And the pictures just go in every which way and it says I can move them and I can't. They just go wherever they darn well please. GRRRRRRRRRRR.
I'm TOTALLY annoyed.
Nice pictures, though, Walt! Way to go!