Sunday, December 27, 2009


Guess what Josh got for Christmas?? You guessed it! A Daisy BB Rifle!!! We watched the movie (again!--it's a Christmas tradition!) on Christmas Eve and then "Santa" hid the rifle on Christmas morning. It was rather interesting to watch all the other kids getting into their "Santa" gifts and Josh just kind of looking around! Pretty soon Zack said something like, "Hey, Josh. What did Santa bring to you?" And then the quest was on. What fun.
Then, of course, later in the day Father and Son went outside and set up some targets so Josh could have his first shooting lesson. And that, of course, turned into a family event!!!
Dad did pretty good! He was popping those pop cans right off the fort walls.
Of course, our Sophie had her turn.
Even Grampa got into the act! (I think they were talking about the sight picture--or something technical from the expert marksman!) Wonderful Christmas Day for us all!

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